Water, the new coffee??
So I've been thinking a lot about this water thing. Water is 70% of our world, and makes up 70% of our bodies ...so, no one is doubting it's importance. But do we really understand how important it is? Maybe not as important as what you put into it. I know we need water, but I also know that we can consume too much water. Remember that CSI where the college kid was being hazed and was told to chug a 5gallon container of water? He literally died from drinking too much water. Okay, so you can't always believe what you see on TV, but it's CSI people! CSI is science and science is truth ...Not that that is any excuse not to get my eight 8oz. glasses of water a day. But back to the importance of water...I have been trying to make a better attempt at drinking more water. The problem is, when I get up in the morning the first thing I think of is coffee ....Mmmmm... coffee... Coffee is really something I never considered doing without....